dPAC was created thinking about the most demanding athlete that wants an easy but effective software to plan and achieve his/her goals. It provides the most important features related with workout and season planning: Fitness & form balance, personalised training tips and workouts based on the athlete's recovery metrics and detailed power profile.
After activating your account you will be redirected to your settings page. It is very important that you insert the most accurate data for your current FTP, weight and heart rate thresholds, in order for all the calculations to be made correctly right from the start!
The main feature that separates this software from other training log and analysis tools is the ability to associate with each day or workout what we call the "External Stress Score". This is basically one empirical classification of your day in terms of stress outside your workout. Work, school, family, bad sleep, etc. We believe that the real benefit of a training log tool is to dedicate some time to analyse and reflect on your workouts, and thus we encourage the manual upload & edit of every single workout instead of a bulk upload. Paying attention to details like logging recovery metrics, inserting workout descriptions and observing different graphs related with training is almost as important as the training itself, because it is here that the athlete (or coach) can understand what is working and what is not.
The main functionality of dPAC is an improvement upon the classic PMC from Trainingpeaks (or WKO). What it does is to take into account the "External Stress Score" and "Sleep Factor" and adapt your recovery rate based on that. The regular PMC just assumes your recovery day by day is perfect and not affected by any of the daily life stresses, like work, family, sleep, etc.
The graph is composed by three main lines:
Based on your power peak performances the software estimates your main training metrics (dFTP, dMAP, dFRE and dPmax) to give you a better prediction of your actual training zones. This feature only works for the athletes that use a power meter. It is also important to have in mind, that these metrics are only as valid as the data the is provided for the calculations. Having a reliable and accurate power meter and making sure that any random power spikes that may exist are removed from the workouts, is paramount for the calculations to be accurate!
You can also get workout recommendations based on your current fitness and power metrics. More instructions about this feature are on the Help tab from the Virtual Coach page.
If your real life coach has a dPAC account you can send an invitation so he/she can access all your training data and monitor your progress. In order to do that, just ask for the email address from the coach’s dPAC account and insert that address in the form on the bottom of your settings page in order to send an invitation. After the coach receives and authorises the connection, he/she can view all your training data.
If you have any doubts you can always contact us through the Contact link in the bottom of the page. Happy training!